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A farm in Dubai has found a novel answer to one of the most common infant allergies: camel milk baby formula.

Camelicious is in talks with doctors and hospitals in the UAE to promote the new product and raise awareness over the benefits of camel milk. It has about 50% less fat than cow's milk and its vitamin C content is 3 to 5 times higher, the company said.
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UAE'S camel milk hit shelves in Europe

Popular camel milk brand “Camelicious”, produced by The Emirates Industry for Camel Milk & Products (EICMP), is being sold at various locations around Europe
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UAE firm exports camel milk products to EU

Dubai: The Emirates Industry for Camel Milk and Products (EICMP), producer of camel milk brand Camelicious, has started sending its products to countries in the European Union (EU).
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Camel milk mixology creates creative shakes for Abu Dhabi hotel

The posh Ritz-Carlton Abu Dhabi, Grand Canal now has its very own in-house mixologist to shake things up. His specialty? Camel milk concoctions.
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Camels in Dubai

Penelope Walsh visits Dubai’s first and only camel dairy farm, Camelicious, for a lesson in camels, their milk and a taste test of the end results
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Susu Unta Rambah Eropa

Kami sangat bangga menjadi perusahaan Uni Emirat Arab pertama yang mengirimkan susu unta ke Eropa. Kami berterima kasih kepada semua pihak yang membuat 'Camelicious' menjadi salah satu merek ternama dunia," kata Wakil Manajer Umum dan Pengembangan Bisnis EICMP, Mutasher Al Badry.
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حليب الإبل على موائد الأوروبيين

دبي (الاتحاد) - أعلن مصنع الإمارات لإنتاج حليب الإبل ومشتقاته «كاميليشيس» عن بدء تصدير أولى شحناته من الحليب إلى بلدان الاتحاد الأوروبي الأسبوع الماضي، بعد حصول الشركة على موافقة الإدارة العامة للصحة وحماية المستهلك في المفوضية الأوروبيةد
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An employee feeds a camel a carrot at Camelicious farm in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Wednesday, July 3, 2013.
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Camel milk company witnesses 100% growth in a year

The demand of dairy products is surging around the world and in Middle East people have started to incline towards camel milk products with camel milk chocolate being their new love
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Camel milk in Abu Dhabi

A burger or a ride in the desert on safari are just two of the ways camels are put to use in the UAE today.
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A Dubai company will supply a traditional Bedouin ingredient to the European beauty market - 5,000 litres of it per day.

Emirates Industry for Camel Milk and Products (EICMP) is ramping up production to provide cosmetics firms with camel milk to be used in their products.
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Europe Laps up Dubai’s Camel Milk Beauty Bars

Two years ago, the western world didn’t know much about camel milk, even though Bedouins across the Middle East have long understood its role in preserving good health. Now it’s the next best thing since Morocco’s Argan oil.
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