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About Camels

The unique composition of camel milk: A food with medicinal properties

<p>since 2001, June 1 each year has been observed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as World Milk Day. For the first time this year, camel milk consumers and producers from across 35 countries have come together to focus attention on the unique properties of this milk.</p> <p>According to National herald</p> <p>Camels are such large animals that they cannot be raised in farms &ndash; they are adapted to deserts, and can go for days without water. They are traditionally herded by nomads, who walk vast distances with their herds. The animals feed at different spots along the way, getting a range of desert vegetation as their regular diet.</p> <p>It is the diversity of the nomadic diet, and the fact that they keep healthy and active by walking such long distances explains the unique properties of camel milk. For some years now, camel milk has been used in the treatment of autistic children.</p> <p>In 2019, the Journal of Family Medicine and Disease Prevention published an essay by scientists from Jordan and Iraq titled &ldquo;Miraculous properties of camel milk and perspective of modern science,&rdquo; showing that camel milk differed from other milk in being a source also of vitamin C; this makes it a very special part of the desert diet, as other sources of vitamin C are hard to find in desert landscapes.</p> <p>Camel milk could also be used by those with lactose intolerance problems. It has antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties, was helpful for those with diabetes, and can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. The scientists have also noted that camel milk was beneficial for those under treatment for malaria, gastrointestinal disorders and tuberculosis.</p> <p>In 2005, researchers at the Bikaner Diabetes Care Research Centre in Rajasthan discovered that consumption of camel milk regularly could reduce the dose of insulin that those suffering from Type 2 diabetes took.</p> <p>The author Christina Adams is responsible for popularizing camel milk as treatment for autism in the US. In TV interviews, she explained that she met a man with a camel at a children&rsquo;s book fair, and it was through him that she learned that camel milk was supplied to hospitals in the Middle East for feeding premature children because they had no risk of allergy to it.</p> <p><a href="">Original Article</a></p>

Effect of camel milk against cancer tested in regional study

<p>The study, published in the&nbsp;<em>Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture</em>, is said to be the first to look at the effect of camel milk on the development of colorectal cancer in a whole organism - specifically in mice.</p> <p>Accordong to the national news</p> <p>The scientists, from Yarmouk University in Irbid, say their results suggest camel milk could be used as a &ldquo;complementary approach&rdquo; to managing colorectal cancer, which is also known as bowel cancer.</p> <p>However, because the study involved only mice, experts have cautioned against drawing conclusions about the treatment or prevention of colorectal cancer in people.</p> <p>During the study, 30 mice were given an injection and fed a substance that promoted the development of colorectal cancer.</p> <p>Some of these animals were also given camel milk whey (the water-like liquid left behind after curd is removed), while another group was given cow milk whey, and a further group received neither</p> <p>In a postmortem examination, six out of 10 mice not given any whey were found to have tumours in their colon, while six out of eight of those fed cow milk whey had tumours. Among the mice that had been given camel milk whey, however, just one out of eight had tumours.</p> <p>The researchers carried out genetic tests on the animals&rsquo; tissue and found that, in mice given camel milk whey, genes involved in the production certain proteins associated with inflammation became less active. In these same animals, genes that suppressed the activity of these inflammatory proteins were more active.</p> <p>Camel milk has long been seen in the Middle East as offering significant health benefits, with the authors of the latest study noting in the paper that it has traditionally been used for the &ldquo;maintenance of good health and treatment of diverse diseases&rdquo;.</p> <p>Compared to the milk of other ruminants, they say it contains less sugar and cholesterol, but has higher mineral content. It is also recognised for its &ldquo;potent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties&rdquo;.</p> <p>&ldquo;Our data represent a valid rationale for the use of CM [camel milk] as a complementary approach, with nutritional value, safety and no side effects, during management of CRC [colorectal cancer],&rdquo; the researchers wrote.</p> <p>Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, with 130,000 people having the condition diagnosed each year in the United States, for example. It also causes around 50,000 deaths each year in the US, the second-largest number for any cancer.</p> <p>Dr Abdul Raziq Kakar, the technical manager for Al Ain Dairy&rsquo;s camel farm, said camel milk had anti-cancer properties for a number of reasons.</p> <p><a href="">Original Article</a></p>

Making camel milk 'safer': Researchers combat E. coli and salmonella with new lactic acid bacteria

<p>While camel milk is somewhat of a rarity in Europe, the same cannot be said of Africa, where camels are considered a common dairy animal. Indeed, up to 9% of Africa&rsquo;s total milk production comes from camels.</p> <p>According to food</p> <p>Compared to cow&rsquo;s milk, camel milk is slightly lower in total fat and saturated fat, but on par with cow&rsquo;s milk total calorie and protein content. Camel milk is also considered a source of iron and vitamin C.</p> <p>Such nutritional benefits, however, can be compromised in Africa when disease-causing microorganisms contaminate the milk. This occurs when farmers, who may have poor hygiene, are unable to refrigerate fresh camel milk.</p> <p>The milk naturally ferments, and when it is sold by farmers at roadside stalls or in local markets, it is often already contaminated with pathogens such as E. coli or salmonella.</p> <p>A research project led by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and assisted by the University of Copenhagen and Haramaya University of Ethiopia is working to solve this issue, by making camel milk &lsquo;safer&rsquo;.</p> <p>Danish ingredients supplier Chr. Hansen also partnered with the researchers, providing ingredients for several application trials. The Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) contributed funding to the project.</p> <p>solating &lsquo;new&rsquo; strains of lactic acid bacteria​ The researchers successfully identified new strains of lactic acid bacteria from raw camel milk. Using these bacteria as a starter culture, they were then able to acidify the milk and kill &lsquo;large amounts&rsquo; of various disease-causing microorganisms in the process. Five litres of milk was found to make enough starter culture to produce half a million litres of safe, fermented camel milk, they noted. However, they recommend that farmers heat-treat the milk to kill as many disease-causing microorganisms as possible before adding the starter culture.</p> <p><a href="">Original Article</a></p>

Using camel milk in skincare

<p>From the bygone days in history, camels have been a primary part of the Arab World&rsquo;s heritage.&nbsp;</p> <p>According to gulf today</p> <p>In order to promote the goodness that camel&rsquo;s milk offers, Stevi Lowmass launched The Camel Soap Factory in 2013.</p> <p>&ldquo;We love UAE and want our products to reflect the rich traditions and heritage of the region. We have simply expanded our soap and gifting niche to include gorgeous skin care products such as a rescue cream, using local ingredients like camel milk and frankincense.</p> <p>Stevi proceeds to explain the sheer potential of camel milk</p> <p><strong>What is your source for the local camel milk?</strong></p> <p>We buy all our milk from one of the oldest dairies in the region, Al Ain Farms. They provide us with the highest quality camel milk we can source from animals that are well treated and fed.</p> <p><strong>How did the idea of getting into skincare with camel milk come about?</strong></p> <p>Our mission has always been to create beautiful products that reflect the traditions and heritage of the region. Moving into creams was a natural step from our natural soap products.</p> <p><strong>How affordable are products related to camel milk and what variety can be produced from it?</strong></p> <p>Camel milk as a raw ingredient compares in price to any other natural or organic ingredient and is therefore a very cost-effective active ingredient. Our company focuses on skincare and we manufacture a wide range of soap products with camel milk. We also produce lip balms and creams based on camel milk.</p> <p>All our products are formulated with natural ingredients using a minimum amount of preservatives or any other additives. The lip balms are formulated with rich shea butter, coconut oils and beeswax as well as the camel milk. The creams are based on a rich formulation of olive and rice bran oils, shea butter, camel milk, frankincense and sweet orange essential oils.</p> <p><a href="">Original Article</a></p>


<p>According to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), camel milk is one of the healthiest animal milks. Camel milk contains no beta-lactoglobulin, the protein that plays a major role in the development of cow&rsquo;s milk allergy.</p> <p>In the bottles of fresh milk, is raw camel milk! Therefore, the fresh milk has a shelf life in the refrigerator for max. 4 days. Immediately after the camels are milked, the milk is cooled to 4 &deg; C.</p> <p><a href=""><img alt="2.melkverwerking" src="" style="height:200px; width:300px" /></a>A part of the fresh milk is frozen in bottles of 0.5 liter. The frozen milk has a shelf life of&nbsp;one year. If you want to drink the frozen camel milk, you have to thaw it in the refrigerator. Thereafter, the milk still has a shelf life of 3 days, provided that it is kept refrigerated. Milk that has been thawed cannot be refrozen.</p> <p><strong>Shake before use!</strong><br /> Because the camel milk is not pasteurized or sterilized, the fat in&nbsp;the milk will float on the milk. This does not change the taste, all you have to do is shake well before use!</p> <p>The quality of camel milk is carefully monitored according to the Hygiene Package for dairy farms.</p> <h2>ALTERNATIVE FOR COWS MILK</h2> <p>Some people do not drink cow&rsquo;s milk. Camel milk could be&nbsp;a good alternative for these people. The taste of Camel milk is similar to that of cow&rsquo;s milk. Camel milk is 100% cow&rsquo;s milk protein-free. And contains only&nbsp;camel milk proteins. These proteins contribute to the growth of muscle mass and maintaining muscle mass and bone. Camel milk is a source of calcium this contributes to a normal blood clotting.</p> <p><a href="">Original Article</a></p>

A carpet layer beat the entire SAS in the Great Australian Camel Race

<p><span style="color:#2c3e50"><span style="font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande,sans-serif">In 1988, a wealthy Australian decided to celebrate Australia&rsquo;s bicentennial by holding a 2,000-mile plus camel race through the Australian Outback. Endurance racers from around the world trained for more than a year to finish the charity race and win a $40,000 prize.</span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande,sans-serif"><span style="color:#2c3e50">It might be the most stereotypically Australian story ever told. The world&rsquo;s&nbsp;</span><a href=""><span style="color:#2c3e50">longest animal endurance race</span></a><span style="color:#2c3e50">&nbsp;won by carpet fitter Gordon O&rsquo;Connell, and the race wasn&rsquo;t even close. O&rsquo;Connell was having a beer at a pub when he learned he&rsquo;d won.</span></span></p> <p><span style="color:#2c3e50"><span style="font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande,sans-serif">The Great Australian Camel Race was a six-leg journey that began at Uluru, also known as Ayres Rock, one of the most sacred sites of Australia&rsquo;s Aboriginal people and end at Queensland&rsquo;s Gold Coast. Competitors were timed on how long it took to complete each leg over the course of three months.&nbsp;</span></span></p> <p><span style="color:#2c3e50"><span style="font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande,sans-serif">The 69 entrants brought with them teams made up of extra camels, support staff, and follow cars, just like any other high-endurance race. Teams came from elements of the Australian Army, the Australian Special Air Service Regiment, and even a handful of Americans. All brought their teams and special gear to survive the grueling race.&nbsp;</span></span></p> <p><span style="color:#2c3e50"><span style="font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande,sans-serif">Then there was Gordon O&rsquo;Connell. O&rsquo;Connell was more than a carpet fitter. He was a man who knew how to train Australia&rsquo;s farm animal population and often worked in local farms training horses. He even trained his own Camel, named Carla, for the effort.&nbsp;</span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande,sans-serif"><span style="color:#2c3e50">Australia is full of feral dromedary camels, herds of them descended from camels imported&nbsp;</span><a href=""><span style="color:#2c3e50">from the Middle East to Afghanistan&nbsp;</span></a><span style="color:#2c3e50">to build Australia in its early days. Carla was well-suited for the journey, so even though O&rsquo;Connell began every day in the rear of the group, it wouldn&rsquo;t be long before he would trot past his competitors,&nbsp;</span><a href=""><span style="color:#2c3e50">clad in cutoff jean shorts and flip-flops</span></a><span style="color:#2c3e50">.</span></span></p> <p><span style="color:#2c3e50"><span style="font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande,sans-serif">He and Carla were so fast, in fact, that racers thought he was injured or lost, when in reality he&rsquo;d already have finished that leg of the journey. They would be flying planes searching for his remains, but in reality, he was at the finish line. He finished more than a full day ahead of his nearest competitors, the Australian special forces.</span></span></p> <p><span style="color:#2c3e50"><span style="font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande,sans-serif">&ldquo;I was stopping off at the pub and I still won the fourth leg. I had won the first three legs and was taking it easy as I was already 32 hours ahead of the SASR,&rdquo; O&rsquo;Connell said. &ldquo;I had no idea whatsoever that I&rsquo;d won it and I didn&rsquo;t try. And that&rsquo;s the truth.&rdquo;</span></span></p> <p><span style="color:#2c3e50"><span style="font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande,sans-serif">O&rsquo;Connell had a small team following him, but nothing like what the other competitors had. His win wasn&rsquo;t totally without hardship, despite his trip to the pub at the end of the race. He was hospitalized with kidney failure from a bacterial infection during the second leg of the race.</span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family:Lucida Sans Unicode,Lucida Grande,sans-serif"><span style="color:#2c3e50">O&rsquo;Connell was a product of his environment. He knew how to survive in the harsh environment. Most importantly, he knew animals and he trained his own just for the race. By the time he retired, he was raising camels of his own.&nbsp; Camel races are still a thing, but it&rsquo;s not quite as intense as it&nbsp;</span><a href="" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank"><span style="color:#2c3e50">used to be</span></a><span style="color:#2c3e50">.</span></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Credits:&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p>